Pakistan govt has made country irrelevant internationally, its democracy  collapsing: Imran Khan


In a recent Indo-U.S. joint statement, Pakistan finds itself cast in an unfavorable light as it is portrayed as a promoter of cross-border terrorism. Prime Minister Imran Khan expresses his concern over this development, highlighting the negative impact it may have on Pakistan’s international reputation. This article delves into the implications of the joint statement and its consequences for Pakistan, examining the challenges the country faces in combating terrorism and striving for regional stability.

Understanding the Indo-U.S. Joint Statement:

The Indo-U.S. joint statement released on [date] has raised eyebrows in Pakistan, primarily due to its characterization of the nation as a promoter of cross-border terrorism. The statement emphasizes the need for Pakistan to take decisive action against terrorist organizations operating within its borders. Imran Khan’s reaction to this portrayal reflects his disappointment with the implications it carries for Pakistan’s image on the global stage.

Assessing the Impact:

The depiction of Pakistan as a promoter of cross-border terrorism has far-reaching consequences. Firstly, it poses a significant threat to the country’s credibility in the international community. As Pakistan seeks foreign investment, collaboration, and support, such negative portrayals hinder its ability to build strong bilateral relationships. Additionally, this characterization can result in economic repercussions, as potential investors and trade partners may hesitate to engage with a country perceived as harboring terrorists.

The Challenges Faced by Pakistan:

Pakistan is not oblivious to the challenges it faces in combatting terrorism. Over the years, the country has made considerable strides in countering extremist elements and promoting peace and stability. However, remnants of terrorist organizations, along with their networks and sympathizers, continue to pose a threat. Pakistan’s security forces have been actively engaged in counterterrorism operations, but eradicating the menace entirely remains an uphill battle.

The Importance of Regional Cooperation:

Fighting terrorism effectively requires a comprehensive approach that extends beyond national boundaries. Pakistan acknowledges the significance of regional cooperation in curbing cross-border terrorism. Imran Khan has consistently called for dialogue and collaboration among neighboring countries to address shared security concerns. By working together, nations can enhance intelligence sharing, conduct joint operations, and dismantle terrorist networks operating in the region.

International Support and Assistance:

Acknowledging Pakistan’s efforts in combating terrorism is crucial for fostering international support and assistance. While the Indo-U.S. joint statement may have cast a shadow on Pakistan’s image, it is essential for the global community to recognize the nation’s progress in this ongoing battle. By providing Pakistan with the necessary resources, technology, and expertise, the international community can play a vital role in strengthening the country’s counterterrorism capabilities.


Imran Khan’s concern over the Indo-U.S. joint statement’s portrayal of Pakistan as a promoter of cross-border terrorism highlights the delicate balance the country must maintain in its fight against extremism. Pakistan’s commitment to eradicating terrorism and promoting regional stability should be acknowledged by the international community. By fostering constructive dialogue, encouraging cooperation, and offering support, the world can assist Pakistan in achieving its goals and dispel any negative perceptions that may hinder its progress. Ultimately, a united front against terrorism is vital for global peace and security.